pbinom(3, 10, 0.2)
# Accessing a single variable:
# Generating a new variable in the data frame:
sales$totalv1 <- sales$product1 + sales$product2 + sales$product3
# The same but using "with":
sales$totalv2 <- with(sales, product1+product2+product3)
# The same but using "attach":
sales$totalv3 <- product1+product2+product3
# Result:
# Define one x vector for all:
year <- c(2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013)
# Define a matrix of y values:
product1<-c(0,3,6,9,7,8); product2<-c(1,2,3,5,9,6); product3<-c(2,4,4,2,3,2)
sales_mat <- cbind(product1,product2,product3)
rownames(sales_mat) <- year
# The matrix looks like this:
# Create a data frame and display it:
sales <-
# load data set
data(affairs, package='wooldridge')
# Generate "Factors" to attach labels
haskids <- factor(affairs$kids,labels=c("no","yes"))
mlab <- c("very unhappy","unhappy","average","happy", "very happy")
marriage <- factor(affairs$ratemarr, labels=mlab)
# Frequencies for having kids:
# Marriage ratings (share):
# Contigency table: counts (display & store in var.)
(countstab <- table(marriage,haskids))
# Share within "marriage" (i.e. within a row):
prop.table(countstab, margin=1)
# Share within "haskids" (i.e. within a column):
prop.table(countstab, margin=2)
# Manually enter raw data from Wooldridge, Table C.3:
# Calculate Change (the parentheses just display the results):
(Change <- SR88 - SR87)
# Ingredients to CI formula
(avgCh<- mean(Change))
(n <- length(Change))
(sdCh <- sd(Change))
(se <- sdCh/sqrt(n))
(c <- qt(.975, n-1))
# Confidence intervall:
c( avgCh - c*se, avgCh + c*se )
# The data set is stored on the local computer in
# ~/data/wooldridge/affairs.dta
# Version 1: from package. make sure to install.packages(wooldridge)
data(affairs, package='wooldridge')
# Version 2: Adjust path
affairs2 <- rio::import("~/data/wooldridge/affairs.dta")
# Version 3: Change working directory
affairs3 <- rio::import("affairs.dta")
# Version 4: directly load from internet
affairs4 <- rio::import("")
# Compare, e.g. avg. value of naffairs:
# data for the scrap rates examples:
Change <- SR88 - SR87
# Example C.2: two-sided CI
# Example C.6: 1-sided test:
t.test(Change, alternative="less")
# Generating matrix A from one vector with all values:
v <- c(2,-4,-1,5,7,0)
( A <- matrix(v,nrow=2) )
# Generating matrix A from two vectors corresponding to rows:
row1 <- c(2,-1,7); row2 <- c(-4,5,0)
( A <- rbind(row1, row2) )
# Generating matrix A from three vectors corresponding to columns:
col1 <- c(2,-4); col2 <- c(-1,5); col3 <- c(7,0)
( A <- cbind(col1, col2, col3) )
# Giving names to rows and columns:
colnames(A) <- c("Alpha","Beta","Gamma")
rownames(A) <- c("Aleph","Bet")
# Diaginal and identity matrices:
diag( c(4,2,6) )
diag( 3 )
# Indexing for extracting elements (still using A from above):
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy, color=class, shape=class)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(se=FALSE) +
scale_color_grey() +
scale_shape_manual(values=1:7) +
theme_light() +
labs(title="Displacement vs. Mileage",
subtitle="Model years 1988 - 2008",
caption="Source: EPA through the ggplot2 package",
x = "Displacement [liters]",
y = "Miles/Gallon (Highway)",
color="Car type",
shape="Car type"
) +
coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0,7), ylim=c(0,45))
ggsave("my_ggplot.png", width = 7, height = 5)
# Sample from a standard normal RV with sample size n=5:
# A different sample from the same distribution:
# Set the seed of the random number generator and take two samples:
# Reset the seed to the same value to get the same samples again:
# Note: "sales" is defined in Data-frames.R, so it has to be run first!
# save data frame as RData file (in the current working directory)
save(sales, file = "oursalesdata.RData")
# remove data frame "sales" from memory
# Does variable "sales" exist?
# Load data set (in the current working directory):
# Does variable "sales" exist?
# averages of the variables:
# Set the random seed
# Draw a sample given the population parameters
sample <- rnorm(100,10,2)
# Estimate the population mean with the sample average
# Draw a different sample and estimate again:
sample <- rnorm(100,10,2)
# Draw a third sample and estimate again:
sample <- rnorm(100,10,2)
# Set the random seed
# initialize vectors to later store results:
r <- 10000
CIlower <- numeric(r); CIupper <- numeric(r)
pvalue1 <- numeric(r); pvalue2 <- numeric(r)
# repeat r times:
for(j in 1:r) {
# Draw a sample
sample <- rnorm(100,10,2)
# test the (correct) null hypothesis mu=10:
testres1 <- t.test(sample,mu=10)
# store CI & p value:
CIlower[j] <- testres1$[1]
CIupper[j] <- testres1$[2]
pvalue1[j] <- testres1$p.value
# test the (incorrect) null hypothesis mu=9.5 & store the p value:
pvalue2[j] <- t.test(sample,mu=9.5)$p.value
# Test results as logical value
reject1<-pvalue1<=0.05; reject2<-pvalue2<=0.05
# data for the scrap rates examples:
Change <- SR88 - SR87
# Example C.2: two-sided CI
# Example C.6: 1-sided test:
t.test(Change, alternative="less")
# Create a vector "avgs":
avgs <- c(.366, .358, .356, .349, .346)
# Create a string vector of names:
players <- c("Cobb","Hornsby","Jackson","O'Doul","Delahanty")
# Assign names to vector and display vector:
names(avgs) <- players
# Indices by number:
# Indices by name:
# Logical indices:
avgs[ avgs>=0.35 ]
# Note: run wdi-ctryavg.R first to define "avgdata"!
# Order the levels meaningfully
avgdata$income <- factor( avgdata$income,
levels = c("High income: OECD",
"High income: nonOECD",
"Upper middle income",
"Lower middle income",
"Low income") )
# Plot
ggplot(avgdata, aes(year, LE_avg, color=income)) +
geom_line(size=1) + # thicker lines
scale_color_grey() + # gray scale
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1960,2015,10)) + # adjust x axis breaks
theme_light() + # light theme (white background,...)
labs(title="Life expectancy of women",
subtitle="Average by country classification",
x="Year", y="Life expectancy [Years]",
color="Income level",
caption="Source: World Bank, WDI")
# Note: run wdi-ctryinfo.R first to define "alldata"!
# Summarize by country and year
avgdata <- alldata %>%
filter(income != "Aggregates") %>% # remove rows for aggregates
filter(income != "Not classified") %>% # remove unclassified ctries
group_by(income, year) %>% # group by income classification
summarize(LE_avg = mean(LE, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% # average by group
ungroup() # remove grouping
# First 6 rows:
# plot
ggplot(avgdata, aes(year, LE_avg, color=income)) +
geom_line() +
library(WDI); library(dplyr)
# Download raw life expectency data
le_data <- WDI(indicator=c("SP.DYN.LE00.FE.IN"), start = 1960, end = 2014) %>%
rename(LE = SP.DYN.LE00.FE.IN)
# Country-data on income classification
ctryinfo <-$country, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
select(country, income)
# Join:
alldata <- left_join(le_data, ctryinfo)
# filter: only US data
ourdata <- filter(wdi_raw, iso2c=="US")
# rename lifeexpectancy variable
ourdata <- rename(ourdata, LE_fem=SP.DYN.LE00.FE.IN)
# select relevant variables
ourdata <- select(ourdata, year, LE_fem)
# order by year (increasing)
ourdata <- arrange(ourdata, year)
# Head and tail of data
# Graph
ggplot(ourdata, aes(year, LE_fem)) +
geom_line() +
theme_light() +
labs(title="Life expectancy of females in the US",
subtitle="World Bank: World Development Indicators",
x = "Year",
y = "Life expectancy [years]"
# use the predefined class 'list' to create an object:
a = [2, 6, 3, 6]
# access a local variable (to find out what kind of object we are dealing with):
check = type(a).__name__
print(f'check: {check}\n')
# make use of a method (how many 6 are in a?):
count_six = a.count(6)
print(f'count_six: {count_six}\n')
# use another method (sort data in a):
print(f'a: {a}\n')
import numpy as np
# multiply these two matrices:
a = np.array([[3, 6, 1], [2, 7, 4]])
b = np.array([[1, 8, 6], [3, 5, 8], [1, 1, 2]])
# the numpy way:
result_np =
print(f'result_np: \n{result_np}\n')
# or, do it yourself by defining a class:
class myMatrices:
def __init__(self, A, B):
self.A = A
self.B = B
def mult(self):
N = self.A.shape[0] # number of rows in A
K = self.B.shape[1] # number of cols in B
out = np.empty((N, K)) # initialize output
for i in range(N):
for j in range(K):
out[i, j] = sum(self.A[i, :] * self.B[:, j])
return out
# create an object:
test = myMatrices(a, b)
# access local variables:
print(f'test.A: \n{test.A}\n')
print(f'test.B: \n{test.B}\n')
# use object method:
result_own = test.mult()
print(f'result_own: \n{result_own}\n')
import numpy as np
# multiply these two matrices:
a = np.array([[3, 6, 1], [2, 7, 4]])
b = np.array([[1, 8, 6], [3, 5, 8], [1, 1, 2]])
# define your own class:
class myMatrices:
def __init__(self, A, B):
self.A = A
self.B = B
def mult(self):
N = self.A.shape[0] # number of rows in A
K = self.B.shape[1] # number of cols in B
out = np.empty((N, K)) # initialize output
for i in range(N):
for j in range(K):
out[i, j] = sum(self.A[i, :] * self.B[:, j])
return out
# define a subclass:
class myMatNew(myMatrices):
def getTotalElem(self):
N = self.A.shape[0] # number of rows in A
K = self.B.shape[1] # number of cols in B
return N * K
# create an object of the subclass:
test = myMatNew(a, b)
# use a method of myMatrices:
result_own = test.mult()
print(f'result_own: \n{result_own}\n')
# use a method of myMatNew:
totalElem = test.getTotalElem()
print(f'totalElem: {totalElem}\n')
import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# binomial:
# support of binomial PMF:
x_binom = np.linspace(-1, 10, num=1000)
# PMF for all these values:
cdf_binom = stats.binom.cdf(x_binom, 10, 0.2)
# plot:
plt.step(x_binom, cdf_binom, linestyle='-', color='black')
# normal:
# support of normal density:
x_norm = np.linspace(-4, 4, num=1000)
# PDF for all these values:
cdf_norm = stats.norm.cdf(x_norm)
# plot:
plt.plot(x_norm, cdf_norm, linestyle='-', color='black')
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# set the random seed:
# set sample size and MC simulations:
r = 10000
n = 100
# initialize arrays to later store results:
CIlower = np.empty(r)
CIupper = np.empty(r)
pvalue1 = np.empty(r)
pvalue2 = np.empty(r)
# repeat r times:
for j in range(r):
# draw a sample:
sample = np.random.normal(10, 2, n)
sample_mean = np.mean(sample)
sample_sd = np.std(sample, ddof=1)
# test the (correct) null hypothesis mu=10:
testres1 = stats.ttest_1samp(sample, popmean=10)
pvalue1[j] = testres1.pvalue
cv = stats.t.ppf(0.975, df=n - 1)
CIlower[j] = sample_mean - cv * sample_sd / np.sqrt(n)
CIupper[j] = sample_mean + cv * sample_sd / np.sqrt(n)
# test the (incorrect) null hypothesis mu=9.5 & store the p value:
testres2 = stats.ttest_1samp(sample, popmean=9.5)
pvalue2[j] = testres2.pvalue
## correct H0 ##
plt.figure(figsize=(3, 5)) # set figure ratio
plt.ylim(0, 101)
plt.xlim(9, 11)
for j in range(1, 101):
if 10 > CIlower[j] and 10 < CIupper[j]:
plt.plot([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle='-', color='grey')
plt.plot([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle='-', color='black')
plt.axvline(10, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=0.5)
plt.ylabel('Sample No.')
## incorrect H0 ##
plt.figure(figsize=(3, 5)) # set figure ratio
plt.ylim(0, 101)
plt.xlim(9, 11)
for j in range(1, 101):
if 9.5 > CIlower[j] and 9.5 < CIupper[j]:
plt.plot([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle='-', color='grey')
plt.plot([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle='-', color='black')
plt.axvline(9.5, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=0.5)
plt.ylabel('Sample No.')
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
# degrees of freedom = n-1:
df = 19
# significance levels:
alpha_one_tailed = np.array([0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, .001])
alpha_two_tailed = alpha_one_tailed * 2
# critical values & table:
CV = stats.t.ppf(1 - alpha_one_tailed, df)
table = pd.DataFrame({'alpha_one_tailed': alpha_one_tailed,
'alpha_two_tailed': alpha_two_tailed, 'CV': CV})
print(f'table: \n{table}\n')
import wooldridge as woo
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ceosal1 = woo.dataWoo('ceosal1')
# extract roe and salary:
roe = ceosal1['roe']
consprod = ceosal1['consprod']
# plotting descriptive statistics:
plt.boxplot(roe, vert=False)
# plotting descriptive statistics:
roe_cp0 = roe[consprod == 0]
roe_cp1 = roe[consprod == 1]
plt.boxplot([roe_cp0, roe_cp1])
import wooldridge as woo
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ceosal1 = woo.dataWoo('ceosal1')
# extract roe:
roe = ceosal1['roe']
# calculate ECDF:
x = np.sort(roe)
n = x.size
y = np.arange(1, n + 1) / n # generates cumulative shares of observations
# plot a step function:
plt.step(x, y, linestyle='-', color='black')
import wooldridge as woo
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
affairs = woo.dataWoo('affairs')
# attach labels (see previous script):
affairs['ratemarr'] = affairs['ratemarr'] - 1
affairs['haskids'] = pd.Categorical.from_codes(affairs['kids'],
categories=['no', 'yes'])
mlab = ['very unhappy', 'unhappy', 'average', 'happy', 'very happy']
affairs['marriage'] = pd.Categorical.from_codes(affairs['ratemarr'],
# counts for all graphs:
counts = affairs['marriage'].value_counts()
counts_bykids = affairs['marriage'].groupby(affairs['haskids']).value_counts()
counts_yes = counts_bykids['yes']
counts_no = counts_bykids['no']
# pie chart (a):
grey_colors = ['0.3', '0.4', '0.5', '0.6', '0.7']
plt.pie(counts, labels=mlab, colors=grey_colors)
# horizontal bar chart (b):
y_pos = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # the y locations for the bars
plt.barh(y_pos, counts, color='0.6')
plt.yticks(y_pos, mlab, rotation=60) # add and adjust labeling
# stacked bar plot (c):
x_pos = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # the x locations for the bars, counts_yes, width=0.4, color='0.6', label='Yes')
# with 'bottom=counts_yes' bars are added on top of previous ones:, counts_no, width=0.4, bottom=counts_yes, color='0.3', label='No')
plt.xticks(x_pos, mlab) # add labels on x axis
# grouped bar plot (d)
# add left bars first and move bars to the left:
x_pos_leftbar = [-0.2, 0.8, 1.8, 2.8, 3.8], counts_yes, width=0.4, color='0.6', label='Yes')
# add right bars first and move bars to the right:
x_pos_rightbar = [0.2, 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2], counts_no, width=0.4, color='0.3', label='No')
plt.xticks(x_pos, mlab)
import wooldridge as woo
import numpy as np
ceosal1 = woo.dataWoo('ceosal1')
# extract roe and salary:
roe = ceosal1['roe']
salary = ceosal1['salary']
# sample average:
roe_mean = np.mean(salary)
print(f'roe_mean: {roe_mean}\n')
# sample median:
roe_med = np.median(salary)
print(f'roe_med: {roe_med}\n')
# standard deviation:
roe_s = np.std(salary, ddof=1)
print(f'roe_s: {roe_s}\n')
# correlation with ROE:
roe_corr = np.corrcoef(roe, salary)
print(f'roe_corr: \n{roe_corr}\n')
import wooldridge as woo
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
affairs = woo.dataWoo('affairs')
# adjust codings to [0-4] (Categoricals require a start from 0):
affairs['ratemarr'] = affairs['ratemarr'] - 1
# use a pandas.Categorical object to attach labels for "haskids":
affairs['haskids'] = pd.Categorical.from_codes(affairs['kids'],
categories=['no', 'yes'])
# ... and "marriage" (for example: 0 = 'very unhappy', 1 = 'unhappy',...):
mlab = ['very unhappy', 'unhappy', 'average', 'happy', 'very happy']
affairs['marriage'] = pd.Categorical.from_codes(affairs['ratemarr'],
# frequency table in numpy (alphabetical order of elements):
ft_np = np.unique(affairs['marriage'], return_counts=True)
unique_elem_np = ft_np[0]
counts_np = ft_np[1]
print(f'unique_elem_np: \n{unique_elem_np}\n')
print(f'counts_np: \n{counts_np}\n')
# frequency table in pandas:
ft_pd = affairs['marriage'].value_counts()
print(f'ft_pd: \n{ft_pd}\n')
# frequency table with groupby:
ft_pd2 = affairs['marriage'].groupby(affairs['haskids']).value_counts()
print(f'ft_pd2: \n{ft_pd2}\n')
# contingency table in pandas:
ct_all_abs = pd.crosstab(affairs['marriage'], affairs['haskids'], margins=3)
print(f'ct_all_abs: \n{ct_all_abs}\n')
ct_all_rel = pd.crosstab(affairs['marriage'], affairs['haskids'], normalize='all')
print(f'ct_all_rel: \n{ct_all_rel}\n')
# share within "marriage" (i.e. within a row):
ct_row = pd.crosstab(affairs['marriage'], affairs['haskids'], normalize='index')
print(f'ct_row: \n{ct_row}\n')
# share within "haskids" (i.e. within a column):
ct_col = pd.crosstab(affairs['marriage'], affairs['haskids'], normalize='columns')
print(f'ct_col: \n{ct_col}\n')
# define and print a dict:
var1 = ['Florian', 'Daniel']
var2 = [96, 49]
var3 = [True, False]
example_dict = dict(name=var1, points=var2, passed=var3)
print(f'example_dict: {example_dict}\n')
# if you want to work on a copy:
import copy
copied_dict = copy.deepcopy(example_dict)
copied_dict['points'][1] = copied_dict['points'][1] - 40
print(f'example_dict: \n{example_dict}\n')
print(f'copied_dict: \n{copied_dict}\n')
# define and print a dict:
var1 = ['Florian', 'Daniel']
var2 = [96, 49]
var3 = [True, False]
example_dict = dict(name=var1, points=var2, passed=var3)
print(f'example_dict: \n{example_dict}\n')
# another way to define the dict:
example_dict2 = {'name': var1, 'points': var2, 'passed': var3}
print(f'example_dict2: \n{example_dict2}\n')
# get data type:
print(f'type(example_dict): {type(example_dict)}\n')
# access 'points':
points_all = example_dict['points']
print(f'points_all: {points_all}\n')
# access 'points' of Daniel:
points_daniel = example_dict['points'][1]
print(f'points_daniel: {points_daniel}\n')
# add 4 to 'points' of Daniel and let him pass:
example_dict['points'][1] = example_dict['points'][1] + 4
example_dict['passed'][1] = True
print(f'example_dict: \n{example_dict}\n')
# add a new variable 'grade':
example_dict['grade'] = [1.3, 4.0]
# delete variable 'points':
del example_dict['points']
print(f'example_dict: \n{example_dict}\n')
import scipy.stats as stats
# first example using the transformation:
p1_1 = stats.norm.cdf(2 / 3) - stats.norm.cdf(-2 / 3)
print(f'p1_1: {p1_1}\n')
# first example working directly with the distribution of X:
p1_2 = stats.norm.cdf(6, 4, 3) - stats.norm.cdf(2, 4, 3)
print(f'p1_2: {p1_2}\n')
# second example:
p2 = 1 - stats.norm.cdf(2, 4, 3) + stats.norm.cdf(-2, 4, 3)
print(f'p2: {p2}\n')
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
# manually enter raw data from Wooldridge, Table C.3:
SR87 = np.array([10, 1, 6, .45, 1.25, 1.3, 1.06, 3, 8.18, 1.67,
.98, 1, .45, 5.03, 8, 9, 18, .28, 7, 3.97])
SR88 = np.array([3, 1, 5, .5, 1.54, 1.5, .8, 2, .67, 1.17, .51,
.5, .61, 6.7, 4, 7, 19, .2, 5, 3.83])
# calculate change:
Change = SR88 - SR87
# ingredients to CI formula:
avgCh = np.mean(Change)
print(f'avgCh: {avgCh}\n')
n = len(Change)
sdCh = np.std(Change, ddof=1)
se = sdCh / np.sqrt(n)
print(f'se: {se}\n')
c = stats.t.ppf(0.975, n - 1)
print(f'c: {c}\n')
# confidence interval:
lowerCI = avgCh - c * se
print(f'lowerCI: {lowerCI}\n')
upperCI = avgCh + c * se
print(f'upperCI: {upperCI}\n')
import wooldridge as woo
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
audit = woo.dataWoo('audit')
y = audit['y']
# ingredients to CI formula:
avgy = np.mean(y)
n = len(y)
sdy = np.std(y, ddof=1)
se = sdy / np.sqrt(n)
c95 = stats.norm.ppf(0.975)
c99 = stats.norm.ppf(0.995)
# 95% confidence interval:
lowerCI95 = avgy - c95 * se
print(f'lowerCI95: {lowerCI95}\n')
upperCI95 = avgy + c95 * se
print(f'upperCI95: {upperCI95}\n')
# 99% confidence interval:
lowerCI99 = avgy - c99 * se
print(f'lowerCI99: {lowerCI99}\n')
upperCI99 = avgy + c99 * se
print(f'upperCI99: {upperCI99}\n')
import wooldridge as woo
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
audit = woo.dataWoo('audit')
y = audit['y']
# automated calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
test_auto = stats.ttest_1samp(y, popmean=0)
t_auto = test_auto.statistic # access test statistic
p_auto = test_auto.pvalue # access two-sided p value
print(f't_auto: {t_auto}\n')
print(f'p_auto/2: {p_auto / 2}\n')
# manual calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
avgy = np.mean(y)
n = len(y)
sdy = np.std(y, ddof=1)
se = sdy / np.sqrt(n)
t_manual = avgy / se
print(f't_manual: {t_manual}\n')
# critical values for t distribution with n-1=240 d.f.:
alpha_one_tailed = np.array([0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, .001])
CV = stats.t.ppf(1 - alpha_one_tailed, 240)
table = pd.DataFrame({'alpha_one_tailed': alpha_one_tailed, 'CV': CV})
print(f'table: \n{table}\n')
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
# manually enter raw data from Wooldridge, Table C.3:
SR87 = np.array([10, 1, 6, .45, 1.25, 1.3, 1.06, 3, 8.18, 1.67,
.98, 1, .45, 5.03, 8, 9, 18, .28, 7, 3.97])
SR88 = np.array([3, 1, 5, .5, 1.54, 1.5, .8, 2, .67, 1.17, .51,
.5, .61, 6.7, 4, 7, 19, .2, 5, 3.83])
Change = SR88 - SR87
# automated calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
test_auto = stats.ttest_1samp(Change, popmean=0)
t_auto = test_auto.statistic
p_auto = test_auto.pvalue
print(f't_auto: {t_auto}\n')
print(f'p_auto/2: {p_auto / 2}\n')
# manual calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
avgCh = np.mean(Change)
n = len(Change)
sdCh = np.std(Change, ddof=1)
se = sdCh / np.sqrt(n)
t_manual = avgCh / se
print(f't_manual: {t_manual}\n')
# manual calculation of p value for H0 (mu=0):
p_manual = stats.t.cdf(t_manual, n - 1)
print(f'p_manual: {p_manual}\n')
import wooldridge as woo
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
audit = woo.dataWoo('audit')
y = audit['y']
# automated calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
test_auto = stats.ttest_1samp(y, popmean=0)
t_auto = test_auto.statistic
p_auto = test_auto.pvalue
print(f't_auto: {t_auto}\n')
print(f'p_auto/2: {p_auto/2}\n')
# manual calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
avgy = np.mean(y)
n = len(y)
sdy = np.std(y, ddof=1)
se = sdy / np.sqrt(n)
t_manual = avgy / se
print(f't_manual: {t_manual}\n')
# manual calculation of p value for H0 (mu=0):
p_manual = stats.t.cdf(t_manual, n - 1)
print(f'p_manual: {p_manual}\n')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# create data:
x = [1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]
y = [0, 3, 6, 9, 7, 8]
# plot and save:
plt.plot(x, y, color='black', linestyle='--')
plt.plot(x, y, color='black', linestyle=':')
plt.plot(x, y, color='black', linestyle='-', linewidth=3)
plt.plot(x, y, color='black', marker='o')
plt.plot(x, y, color='black', marker='v', linestyle='')
import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# support for all normal densities:
x = np.linspace(-4, 4, num=100)
# get different density evaluations:
y1 = stats.norm.pdf(x, 0, 1)
y2 = stats.norm.pdf(x, 1, 0.5)
y3 = stats.norm.pdf(x, 0, 2)
# plot:
plt.plot(x, y1, linestyle='-', color='black', label='standard normal')
plt.plot(x, y2, linestyle='--', color='0.3', label='mu = 1, sigma = 0.5')
plt.plot(x, y3, linestyle=':', color='0.6', label='$\mu = 0$, $\sigma = 2$')
plt.xlim(-3, 4)
plt.title('Normal Densities')
import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# support for all normal densities:
x = np.linspace(-4, 4, num=100)
# get different density evaluations:
y1 = stats.norm.pdf(x, 0, 1)
y2 = stats.norm.pdf(x, 0, 3)
# plot (a):
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 6))
plt.plot(x, y1, linestyle='-', color='black')
plt.plot(x, y2, linestyle='--', color='0.3')
# plot (b):
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
plt.plot(x, y1, linestyle='-', color='black')
plt.plot(x, y2, linestyle='--', color='0.3')
import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# support of quadratic function
# (creates an array with 100 equispaced elements from -3 to 2):
x1 = np.linspace(-3, 2, num=100)
# function values for all these values:
y1 = x1 ** 2
# plot quadratic function:
plt.plot(x1, y1, linestyle='-', color='black')
# same for normal density:
x2 = np.linspace(-4, 4, num=100)
y2 = stats.norm.pdf(x2)
# plot normal density:
plt.plot(x2, y2, linestyle='-', color='black')
import wooldridge as woo
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ceosal1 = woo.dataWoo('ceosal1')
# extract roe:
roe = ceosal1['roe']
# subfigure a (histogram with counts):
plt.hist(roe, color='grey')
# subfigure b (histogram with density and explicit breaks):
breaks = [0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60]
plt.hist(roe, color='grey', bins=breaks, density=True)
import pandas as pd
# import csv with pandas:
df1 = pd.read_csv('data/sales.csv', delimiter=',', header=None,
names=['year', 'product1', 'product2', 'product3'])
print(f'df1: \n{df1}\n')
# import txt with pandas:
df2 = pd.read_table('data/sales.txt', delimiter=' ')
print(f'df2: \n{df2}\n')
# add a row to df1:
df3 = df1.append({'year': 2014, 'product1': 10, 'product2': 8, 'product3': 2},
print(f'df3: \n{df3}\n')
# export with pandas:
import pandas_datareader as pdr
# download data for 'F' (= Ford Motor Company) and define start and end:
tickers = ['F']
start_date = '2014-01-01'
end_date = '2015-12-31'
# use pandas_datareader for the import:
F_data =, 'yahoo', start_date, end_date)
# look at imported data:
print(f'F_data.head(): \n{F_data.head()}\n')
print(f'F_data.tail(): \n{F_data.tail()}\n')
import wooldridge as woo
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ceosal1 = woo.dataWoo('ceosal1')
# extract roe:
roe = ceosal1['roe']
# estimate kernel density:
kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(roe)
# subfigure a (kernel density):
plt.plot(, kde.density, color='black', linewidth=2)
# subfigure b (kernel density with overlayed histogram):
plt.hist(roe, color='grey', density=True)
plt.plot(, kde.density, color='black', linewidth=2)
# define a list:
example_list = [1, 5, 41.3, 2.0]
# be careful with changes on variables pointing on example_list:
duplicate_list = example_list
duplicate_list[3] = 10000
print(f'duplicate_list: {duplicate_list}\n')
print(f'example_list: {example_list}\n')
# work on a copy of example_list:
example_list = [1, 5, 41.3, 2.0]
duplicate_list = example_list[:]
duplicate_list[3] = 10000
print(f'duplicate_list: {duplicate_list}\n')
print(f'example_list: {example_list}\n')
# define a list:
example_list = [1, 5, 41.3, 2.0]
print(f'type(example_list): {type(example_list)}\n')
# access first entry by index:
first_entry = example_list[0]
print(f'first_entry: {first_entry}\n')
# access second to fourth entry by index:
range2to4 = example_list[1:4]
print(f'range2to4: {range2to4}\n')
# replace third entry by new value:
example_list[2] = 3
print(f'example_list: {example_list}\n')
# apply a function:
function_output = min(example_list)
print(f'function_output: {function_output}\n')
# apply a method:
print(f'example_list: {example_list}\n')
# delete third element of sorted list:
del example_list[2]
print(f'example_list: {example_list}\n')
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
## LLN (normal) ##
# set the random seed:
# set sample sizes and MC simulations:
n = [10, 50, 100, 1000]
r = 10000
# support of normal density (fixed):
x_range = np.linspace(8.5, 11.5)
for i in n:
ybar = np.empty(r)
for j in range(r):
# sample of size n
sample = stats.norm.rvs(10, 2, size=i)
ybar[j] = np.mean(sample)
# simulated density:
kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(ybar)
# normal density:
y = stats.norm.pdf(x_range, 10, 2 / np.sqrt(i))
# plotting:
filename = 'PyGraphs/MCSim-lln-n' + str(i) + '.pdf'
plt.xlim(8.5, 11.5)
plt.plot(, kde.density, color='black', label='ybar')
plt.plot(x_range, y, linestyle='--', color='black', label='normal distribution')
## CLT (chisq) ##
# density:
x_range = np.linspace(0, 3)
y = stats.chi2.pdf(x_range, df=1)
plt.plot(x_range, y, linestyle='-', color='black')
# set the random seed:
# set sample sizes and MC simulations:
n = [2, 10, 100, 10000]
r = 10000
for i in n:
ybar = np.empty(r)
for j in range(r):
# sample of size n
sample = stats.chi2.rvs(1, size=i)
ybar[j] = np.mean(sample)
# simulated density:
kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(ybar)
# normal density:
x_range = np.linspace(min(ybar), max(ybar))
y = stats.norm.pdf(x_range, 1, np.sqrt(2/i))
# plotting:
filename = 'PyGraphs/MCSim-clt-n' + str(i) + '.pdf'
plt.plot(, kde.density, color='black', label='ybar')
plt.plot(x_range, y, linestyle='--', color='black', label='normal distribution')
import numpy as np
# define arrays in numpy:
testarray1D = np.array([1, 5, 41.3, 2.0])
print(f'type(testarray1D): {type(testarray1D)}\n')
testarray2D = np.array([[4, 9, 8, 3],
[2, 6, 3, 2],
[1, 1, 7, 4]])
# get dimensions of testarray2D:
dim = testarray2D.shape
print(f'dim: {dim}\n')
# access elements by indices:
third_elem = testarray1D[2]
print(f'third_elem: {third_elem}\n')
second_third_elem = testarray2D[1, 2] # element in 2nd row and 3rd column
print(f'second_third_elem: {second_third_elem}\n')
second_to_third_col = testarray2D[:, 1:3] # each row in the 2nd and 3rd column
print(f'second_to_third_col: \n{second_to_third_col}\n')
# access elements by lists:
first_third_elem = testarray1D[[0, 2]]
print(f'first_third_elem: {first_third_elem}\n')
# same with Boolean lists:
first_third_elem2 = testarray1D[[True, False, True, False]]
print(f'first_third_elem2: {first_third_elem2}\n')
k = np.array([[True, False, False, False],
[False, False, True, False],
[True, False, True, False]])
elem_by_index = testarray2D[k] # 1st elem in 1st row, 3rd elem in 2nd row...
print(f'elem_by_index: {elem_by_index}\n')
import numpy as np
# define an arrays in numpy:
mat1 = np.array([[4, 9, 8],
[2, 6, 3]])
mat2 = np.array([[1, 5, 2],
[6, 6, 0],
[4, 8, 3]])
# use a numpy function:
result1 = np.exp(mat1)
print(f'result1: \n{result1}\n')
result2 = mat1 + mat2[[0, 1]] # same as np.add(mat1, mat2[[0, 1]])
print(f'result2: \n{result2}\n')
# use a method:
mat1_tr = mat1.transpose()
print(f'mat1_tr: \n{mat1_tr}\n')
# matrix algebra:
matprod = # same as mat1 @ mat2
print(f'matprod: \n{matprod}\n')
import numpy as np
# array of integers defined by the arguments start, end and sequence length:
sequence = np.linspace(0, 2, num=11)
print(f'sequence: \n{sequence}\n')
# sequence of integers starting at 0, ending at 5-1:
sequence_int = np.arange(5)
print(f'sequence_int: \n{sequence_int}\n')
# initialize array with each element set to zero:
zero_array = np.zeros((4, 3))
print(f'zero_array: \n{zero_array}\n')
# initialize array with each element set to one:
one_array = np.ones((2, 5))
print(f'one_array: \n{one_array}\n')
# uninitialized array (filled with arbitrary nonsense elements):
empty_array = np.empty((2, 3))
print(f'empty_array: \n{empty_array}\n')
result1 = 1 + 1
# determine the type:
type_result1 = type(result1)
# print the result:
print(f'type_result1: {type_result1}')
result2 = 2.5
type_result2 = type(result2)
print(f'type_result2: {type_result2}')
result3 = 'To be, or not to be: that is the question'
type_result3 = type(result3)
print(f'type_result3: {type_result3}\n')
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# define a pandas DataFrame:
icecream_sales = np.array([30, 40, 35, 130, 120, 60])
weather_coded = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0])
customers = np.array([2000, 2100, 1500, 8000, 7200, 2000])
df = pd.DataFrame({'icecream_sales': icecream_sales,
'weather_coded': weather_coded,
'customers': customers})
# define and assign an index (six ends of month starting in April, 2010)
# (details on generating indices are given in Chapter 10):
ourIndex = pd.date_range(start='04/2010', freq='M', periods=6)
df.set_index(ourIndex, inplace=True)
# include sales two months ago:
df['icecream_sales_lag2'] = df['icecream_sales'].shift(2)
print(f'df: \n{df}\n')
# use a pandas.Categorical object to attach labels (0 = bad; 1 = good):
df['weather'] = pd.Categorical.from_codes(codes=df['weather_coded'],
categories=['bad', 'good'])
print(f'df: \n{df}\n')
# mean sales for each weather category:
group_means = df.groupby('weather').mean()
print(f'group_means: \n{group_means}\n')
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# define a pandas DataFrame:
icecream_sales = np.array([30, 40, 35, 130, 120, 60])
weather_coded = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0])
customers = np.array([2000, 2100, 1500, 8000, 7200, 2000])
df = pd.DataFrame({'icecream_sales': icecream_sales,
'weather_coded': weather_coded,
'customers': customers})
# define and assign an index (six ends of month starting in April, 2010)
# (details on generating indices are given in Chapter 10):
ourIndex = pd.date_range(start='04/2010', freq='M', periods=6)
df.set_index(ourIndex, inplace=True)
# print the DataFrame
print(f'df: \n{df}\n')
# access columns by variable names:
subset1 = df[['icecream_sales', 'customers']]
print(f'subset1: \n{subset1}\n')
# access second to fourth row:
subset2 = df[1:4] # same as df['2010-05-31':'2010-07-31']
print(f'subset2: \n{subset2}\n')
# access rows and columns by index and variable names:
subset3 = df.loc['2010-05-31', 'customers'] # same as df.iloc[1,2]
print(f'subset3: \n{subset3}\n')
# access rows and columns by index and variable integer positions:
subset4 = df.iloc[1:4, 0:2]
# same as df.loc['2010-05-31':'2010-07-31', ['icecream_sales','weather']]
print(f'subset4: \n{subset4}\n')
import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# support of normal density:
x_range = np.linspace(-4, 4, num=100)
# PDF for all these values:
pdf = stats.norm.pdf(x_range)
# plot:
plt.plot(x_range, pdf, linestyle='-', color='black')
import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# values for x (all between 0 and 10):
x = np.linspace(0, 10, num=11)
# PMF for all these values:
fx = stats.binom.pmf(x, 10, 0.2)
# collect values in DataFrame:
result = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'fx': fx})
print(f'result: \n{result}\n')
# plot:, fx, color='0.6')
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
# sample from a standard normal RV with sample size n=5:
sample1 = stats.norm.rvs(size=5)
print(f'sample1: {sample1}\n')
# a different sample from the same distribution:
sample2 = stats.norm.rvs(size=5)
print(f'sample2: {sample2}\n')
# set the seed of the random number generator and take two samples:
sample3 = stats.norm.rvs(size=5)
print(f'sample3: {sample3}\n')
sample4 = stats.norm.rvs(size=5)
print(f'sample4: {sample4}\n')
# reset the seed to the same value to get the same samples again:
sample5 = stats.norm.rvs(size=5)
print(f'sample5: {sample5}\n')
sample6 = stats.norm.rvs(size=5)
print(f'sample6: {sample6}\n')
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
# set the random seed:
# set sample size:
n = 100
# draw a sample given the population parameters:
sample1 = stats.norm.rvs(10, 2, size=n)
# estimate the population mean with the sample average:
estimate1 = np.mean(sample1)
print(f'estimate1: {estimate1}\n')
# draw a different sample and estimate again:
sample2 = stats.norm.rvs(10, 2, size=n)
estimate2 = np.mean(sample2)
print(f'estimate2: {estimate2}\n')
# draw a third sample and estimate again:
sample3 = stats.norm.rvs(10, 2, size=n)
estimate3 = np.mean(sample3)
print(f'estimate3: {estimate3}\n')
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# set the random seed:
# set sample size and MC simulations:
r = 10000
n = 100
# initialize arrays to later store results:
CIlower = np.empty(r)
CIupper = np.empty(r)
pvalue1 = np.empty(r)
pvalue2 = np.empty(r)
# repeat r times:
for j in range(r):
# draw a sample:
sample = stats.norm.rvs(10, 2, size=n)
sample_mean = np.mean(sample)
sample_sd = np.std(sample, ddof=1)
# test the (correct) null hypothesis mu=10:
testres1 = stats.ttest_1samp(sample, popmean=10)
pvalue1[j] = testres1.pvalue
cv = stats.t.ppf(0.975, df=n - 1)
CIlower[j] = sample_mean - cv * sample_sd / np.sqrt(n)
CIupper[j] = sample_mean + cv * sample_sd / np.sqrt(n)
# test the (incorrect) null hypothesis mu=9.5 & store the p value:
testres2 = stats.ttest_1samp(sample, popmean=9.5)
pvalue2[j] = testres2.pvalue
## correct H0 ##
plt.figure(figsize=(3, 5)) # set figure ratio
plt.ylim(0, 101)
plt.xlim(9, 11)
for j in range(1, 101):
if 10 > CIlower[j] and 10 < CIupper[j]:
plt.plot([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle='-', color='grey')
plt.plot([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle='-', color='black')
plt.axvline(10, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=0.5)
plt.ylabel('Sample No.')
## incorrect H0 ##
plt.figure(figsize=(3, 5)) # set figure ratio
plt.ylim(0, 101)
plt.xlim(9, 11)
for j in range(1, 101):
if 9.5 > CIlower[j] and 9.5 < CIupper[j]:
plt.plot([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle='-', color='grey')
plt.plot([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle='-', color='black')
plt.axvline(9.5, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=0.5)
plt.ylabel('Sample No.')
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
# set the random seed:
# set sample size and MC simulations:
r = 10000
n = 100
# initialize arrays to later store results:
CIlower = np.empty(r)
CIupper = np.empty(r)
pvalue1 = np.empty(r)
pvalue2 = np.empty(r)
# repeat r times:
for j in range(r):
# draw a sample:
sample = stats.norm.rvs(10, 2, size=n)
sample_mean = np.mean(sample)
sample_sd = np.std(sample, ddof=1)
# test the (correct) null hypothesis mu=10:
testres1 = stats.ttest_1samp(sample, popmean=10)
pvalue1[j] = testres1.pvalue
cv = stats.t.ppf(0.975, df=n - 1)
CIlower[j] = sample_mean - cv * sample_sd / np.sqrt(n)
CIupper[j] = sample_mean + cv * sample_sd / np.sqrt(n)
# test the (incorrect) null hypothesis mu=9.5 & store the p value:
testres2 = stats.ttest_1samp(sample, popmean=9.5)
pvalue2[j] = testres2.pvalue
# test results as logical value:
reject1 = pvalue1 <= 0.05
count1_true = np.count_nonzero(reject1) # counts true
count1_false = r - count1_true
print(f'count1_true: {count1_true}\n')
print(f'count1_false: {count1_false}\n')
reject2 = pvalue2 <= 0.05
count2_true = np.count_nonzero(reject2)
count2_false = r - count2_true
print(f'count2_true: {count2_true}\n')
print(f'count2_false: {count2_false}\n')
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# set the random seed:
# set sample size:
n = 100
# initialize ybar to an array of length r=10000 to later store results:
r = 10000
ybar = np.empty(r)
# repeat r times:
for j in range(r):
# draw a sample and store the sample mean in pos. j=0,1,... of ybar:
sample = stats.norm.rvs(10, 2, size=n)
ybar[j] = np.mean(sample)
# the first 20 of 10000 estimates:
print(f'ybar[0:19]: \n{ybar[0:19]}\n')
# simulated mean:
print(f'np.mean(ybar): {np.mean(ybar)}\n')
# simulated variance:
print(f'np.var(ybar, ddof=1): {np.var(ybar, ddof=1)}\n')
# simulated density:
kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(ybar)
# normal density:
x_range = np.linspace(9, 11)
y = stats.norm.pdf(x_range, 10, np.sqrt(0.04))
# create graph:
plt.plot(, kde.density, color='black', label='ybar')
plt.plot(x_range, y, linestyle='--', color='black', label='normal distribution')
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
# set the random seed:
# set sample size:
n = 100
# initialize ybar to an array of length r=10000 to later store results:
r = 10000
ybar = np.empty(r)
# repeat r times:
for j in range(r):
# draw a sample and store the sample mean in pos. j=0,1,... of ybar:
sample = stats.norm.rvs(10, 2, size=n)
ybar[j] = np.mean(sample)
# define function (only positional arguments):
function mysqrt_pos(x, add)
if x >= 0
result = x^0.5 + add
result = "You fool!"
return result
# define function ("x" as positional and "add" as keyword argument):
function mysqrt_kwd(x; add)
if x >= 0
result = x^0.5 + add
result = "You fool!"
return result
# call functions:
result1 = mysqrt_pos(4, 3)
println("result1 = $result1")
# mysqrt_pos(4, add = 3) is not valid
result2 = mysqrt_kwd(4, add=3)
println("result2 = $result2")
# mysqrt_kwd(4, 3) is not valid
using Random, DataFrames, Distributions, Plots, BenchmarkTools, CSV
# set the random seed:
function simMean(n, reps)
ybar = zeros(reps)
for j in 1:reps
# sample from normal distribution of size n
sample = rand(Normal(), n)
ybar[j] = mean(sample)
return ybar
# call the function multiple times and measure each time:
n = 100
r = 10000
step_length = 100
reps = range(100, r, step=100)
runTimeJl = zeros(Int(r / step_length))
for i in eachindex(reps)
t = @benchmark simMean($n, $reps[$i])
runTimeJl[i] = mean(t).time / 1e9 # mean(t).time in nanoseconds
runtimeDf = DataFrame(runtime=runTimeJl)
CSV.write("Jlprocessed/01/Adv-Performance-Jl.csv", runtimeDf)
# import results (all in seconds):
R ="Jlprocessed/01/Adv-Performance-R.csv", DataFrame)
Py ="Jlprocessed/01/Adv-Performance-Py.csv", DataFrame)
Jl ="Jlprocessed/01/Adv-Performance-Jl.csv", DataFrame)
# plot results
x_range = collect(reps)
plot(x_range, Jl.runtime, linestyle=:solid, color=:black,
label="Julia", legend=:topleft)
plot!(x_range, R.runtime, linestyle=:dash, color=:black, label="R")
plot!(x_range, Py.runtime, linestyle=:dot, color=:black, label="Python")
ylabel!("Runtime [seconds]")
### Python-Code
# import random
# import numpy as np
# import timeit
# import pandas as pd
# import scipy.stats as stats
# np.random.seed(12345)
# def simMean(n, reps):
# ybar = np.empty(reps)
# for j in range(1, reps):
# sample = stats.norm.rvs(0,1,size=n)
# ybar[j] = np.mean(sample)
# return(ybar)
# # call the function multiple times and measure each time:
# n = 100
# r = 10000
# step_length = 100
# reps = range(100, r+1, step_length)
# runTime = np.empty(len(reps))
# number = 100
# for i in range(len(reps)):
# runTime[i] = timeit.repeat(lambda: simMean(
# n, reps[i]), number=100, repeat=1)[0] / number
# # repeat gives total time, i.e. number * single iteration time
# dfruntime = pd.DataFrame({"runtime": runTime})
# dfruntime.to_csv("Jlprocessed/01/Adv-Performance-Py.csv")
### R-Code
# library(microbenchmark)
# library(rio)
# set.seed(12345)
# simMean <- function(n, reps){
# ybar <- numeric(reps)
# for(j in 1:reps){
# sample <- rnorm(n)
# ybar[j] <- mean(sample)
# }
# return(ybar)
# }
# # call the function multiple times and measure each time:
# n <- 100
# r <- 10000
# step_length <- 100
# reps <- seq(100, r, by=100)
# runtime <- numeric(R/step_length)
# for (i in 1:length(reps)){
# t <- microbenchmark( simMean(n,reps[i]), unit = "s")
# runtime[i] <- mean(t$time) / 1e9 # t$time in nanoseconds
# }
# export(,file="Jlprocessed/01/Adv-Performance-R.csv")
import random
import numpy as np
import timeit
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
def simMean(n, reps):
ybar = np.empty(reps)
for j in range(1, reps):
sample = stats.norm.rvs(0, 1, size=n)
ybar[j] = np.mean(sample)
return (ybar)
# call the function multiple times and measure each time:
n = 100
r = 10000
step_length = 100
reps = range(100, r+1, step_length)
runTime = np.empty(len(reps))
number = 100
for i in range(len(reps)):
runTime[i] = timeit.repeat(lambda: simMean(
n, reps[i]), number=100, repeat=1)[0] / number
# repeat gives total time, i.e. number * single iteration time
dfruntime = pd.DataFrame({"runtime": runTime})
simMean <- function(n, reps) {
ybar <- numeric(reps)
for (j in 1:reps) {
sample <- rnorm(n)
ybar[j] <- mean(sample)
# call the function multiple times and measure each time:
n <- 100
r <- 10000
step_length <- 100
reps <- seq(100, r, by = 100)
runtime <- numeric(r / step_length)
for (i in 1:length(reps)) {
t <- microbenchmark(simMean(n, reps[i]), unit = "s")
runtime[i] <- mean(t$time) / 1e9 # t$time in nanoseconds
export(, file = "Jlprocessed/01/Adv-Performance-R.csv")
using Random, Distributions
# set the random seed:
function simMean(n, reps)
ybar = zeros(reps)
for j in 1:reps
# sample from normal distribution of size n
sample = rand(Normal(), n)
ybar[j] = mean(sample)
return ybar
# call the function and measure time:
n = 100
reps = 10000
stats = @timed simMean(n, reps);
runTime = stats.time
println("runTime = $runTime")
# define arrays:
testarray = [1, 5, 41.3, 2.0]
# be careful with changes on variables pointing on testarray:
duplicate_array = testarray
duplicate_array[3] = 10000
println("duplicate_array: $duplicate_array\n")
println("testarray: $testarray\n")
# work on a copy of example_list:
testarray = [1, 5, 41.3, 2.0]
duplicate_array = deepcopy(testarray)
duplicate_array[3] = 10000
println("duplicate_array: $duplicate_array\n")
println("testarray: $testarray")
# initialize matrix with each element set to zero:
zero_mat = zeros(4, 3)
println("zero_mat: \n$zero_mat\n")
# initialize matrix with each element set to one:
one_mat = ones(2, 5)
println("one_mat: \n$one_mat\n")
# uninitialized matrix (filled with arbitrary nonsense elements):
empty_mat = Array{Float64}(undef, 2, 2)
println("empty_mat: \n$empty_mat")
# define arrays:
testarray1D = [1, 5, 41.3, 2.0]
println("type(testarray1D): $(typeof(testarray1D))\n")
testarray2D = [4 9 8 3
2 6 3 2
1 1 7 4]
# same as:
#testarray2D = [4 9 8 3; 2 6 3 2; 1 1 7 4]
#testarray2D = [[4 9 8 3]
# [ 2 6 3 2]
# [ 1 1 7 4]]
#testarray2D = [[4, 2, 1] [9, 6, 1] [8, 3, 7] [3, 2, 4]]
# get dimensions of testarray2D:
dim = size(testarray2D)
println("dim: $dim\n")
# access elements by indices:
third_elem = testarray1D[3]
println("third_elem = $third_elem\n")
second_third_elem = testarray2D[2, 3] # element in 2nd row and 3rd column
println("second_third_elem = $second_third_elem\n")
second_to_third_col = testarray2D[:, 2:3] # each row in the 2nd and 3rd column
println("second_to_third_col = $second_to_third_col\n")
last_col = testarray2D[:, end] # each row in the last column
println("last_col = $last_col\n")
# access elements by array:
first_third_elem = testarray1D[[1, 3]]
println("first_third_elem: $first_third_elem\n")
# same with Boolean array:
first_third_elem2 = testarray1D[[true, false, true, false]]
println("first_third_elem2 = $first_third_elem2\n")
k = [[true false false false]
[false false true false]
[true false true false]]
elem_by_index = testarray2D[k] # 1st elem in 1st row, 1st elem in 3rd row...
print("elem_by_index: $elem_by_index")
using Distributions, Plots
# binomial CDF:
x_binom = range(-1, 10, length=100)
cdf_binom = cdf.(Binomial(10, 0.2), x_binom)
plot(x_binom, cdf_binom, linetype=:steppre, color=:black, legend=false)
# normal CDF:
x_norm = range(-4, 4, length=1000)
cdf_norm = cdf.(Normal(), x_norm)
plot(x_norm, cdf_norm, color=:black, legend=false)
using Distributions, DataFrames
# degrees of freedom = n-1:
df = 19
# significance levels:
alpha_one_tailed = [0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001]
alpha_two_tailed = alpha_one_tailed * 2
# critical values & table:
CV = quantile.(TDist(df), 1 .- alpha_one_tailed)
table = DataFrame(alpha_one_tailed=alpha_one_tailed,
println("table: \n$table")
using DataFrames, CategoricalArrays, Statistics
# define a DataFrame:
icecream_sales = [30, 40, 35, 130, 120, 60]
weather_coded = [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
customers = [2000, 2100, 1500, 8000, 7200, 2000]
df = DataFrame(
# get some descriptive statistics:
descr_stats = describe(df)
println("descr_stats: \n$descr_stats\n")
# add one observation at the end in-place:
push!(df, [50, 1, 3000])
println("df: \n$df\n")
# extract observations with more than 2500 customers:
subset_df = subset(df, :customers => ByRow(>(2500)))
println("subset_df: \n$subset_df\n")
# use a CategoricalArray object to attach labels (0 = bad; 1 = good): = recode(df[!, :weather_coded], 0 => "bad", 1 => "good")
println("df \n$df\n")
# mean sales for each weather category by
# grouping and splitting data:
grouped_data = groupby(df, :weather)
# apply the mean to icecream_sales and combine the results:
group_means = combine(grouped_data, :icecream_sales => mean)
println("group_means: \n$group_means")
using DataFrames
# define a DataFrame:
icecream_sales = [30, 40, 35, 130, 120, 60]
weather_coded = [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
customers = [2000, 2100, 1500, 8000, 7200, 2000]
df = DataFrame(
# print the DataFrame
println("df: \n$df\n")
# access columns by variable reference:
subset1 = df[!, [:icecream_sales, :customers]]
println("subset1: \n$subset1\n")
# access second to fourth row:
subset2 = df[2:4, :]
println("subset2: \n$subset2\n")
# access rows and columns by variable integer positions:
subset3 = df[2:4, 1:2]
println("subset3: \n$subset3\n")
# access rows by variable integer positions:
subset4 = df[2:4, [:icecream_sales, :weather_coded]]
println("subset4: \n$subset4")
using WooldridgeDatasets, DataFrames, StatsPlots
ceosal1 = DataFrame(wooldridge("ceosal1"))
# extract roe and salary:
roe = ceosal1.roe
consprod = ceosal1.consprod
# plotting descriptive statistics:
boxplot(roe, orientation=:h,
linecolor=:black, color=:white, legend=false)
yticks!([1], [""])
# plotting descriptive statistics (logical indexing):
roe_cp0 = roe[consprod.==0]
roe_cp1 = roe[consprod.==1]
boxplot([roe_cp0, roe_cp1], linecolor=:black,
color=:white, legend=false)
xticks!([1, 2], ["consprod=0", "consprod=1"])
using WooldridgeDatasets, DataFrames, Plots
ceosal1 = DataFrame(wooldridge("ceosal1"))
# extract roe:
roe = ceosal1.roe
# calculate ECDF:
x = sort(roe)
n = length(x)
y = range(start=1, stop=n) / n
# plot a step function:
plot(x, y, linetype=:steppre, color=:black, legend=false)
using WooldridgeDatasets, DataFrames, Plots, StatsPlots,
FreqTables, CategoricalArrays
affairs = DataFrame(wooldridge("affairs"))
# attach labels to kids and convert it to a categorical variable:
affairs.haskids = categorical(
recode(, 0 => "no", 1 => "yes")
# ... and ratemarr (for example: 1 = "very unhappy", 2 = "unhappy",...):
affairs.marriage = categorical(
1 => "very unhappy",
2 => "unhappy",
3 => "average",
4 => "happy",
5 => "very happy"
# counts for all graphs:
counts_m = sort(freqtable(affairs.marriage), rev=true)
levels_counts_m = String.(collect(keys(counts_m.dicts[1])))
colors_m = [:grey60, :grey50, :grey40, :grey30, :grey20]
ct_all_abs = freqtable(affairs.marriage, affairs.haskids)
levels_counts_all = String.(collect(keys(ct_all_abs.dicts[1])))
colors_all = [:grey80 :grey50]
# pie chart (a):
pie(levels_counts_m, counts_m, color=colors_m)
# bar chart (b):
bar(levels_counts_m, counts_m, color=:grey, legend=false)
# stacked bar plot (c):
groupedbar(ct_all_abs, bar_position=:stack,
color=colors_all, label=["no" "yes"])
xticks!(1:5, levels_counts_all)
# grouped bar plot (d):
groupedbar(ct_all_abs, bar_position=:dodge,
color=colors_all, label=["no" "yes"])
xticks!(1:5, levels_counts_all)
using WooldridgeDatasets, DataFrames, Statistics
ceosal1 = DataFrame(wooldridge("ceosal1"))
# extract roe and salary:
roe = ceosal1.roe
salary = ceosal1.salary
# sample average:
roe_mean = mean(roe)
println("roe_mean = $roe_mean\n")
# sample median:
roe_med = median(roe)
println("roe_med = $roe_med\n")
# corrected standard deviation (n-1 scaling):
roe_std = std(roe)
println("roe_st = $roe_std\n")
# correlation with roe:
roe_corr = cor(roe, salary)
println("roe_corr = $roe_corr\n")
# correlation matrix with roe:
roe_corr_mat = cor(hcat(roe, salary))
println("roe_corr_mat: \n$roe_corr_mat")
using WooldridgeDatasets, DataFrames, CategoricalArrays, FreqTables
affairs = DataFrame(wooldridge("affairs"))
# attach labels to kids and convert it to a categorical variable:
affairs.haskids = categorical(
recode(, 0 => "no", 1 => "yes")
# ... and ratemarr (for example: 1 = "very unhappy", 2 = "unhappy",...):
affairs.marriage = categorical(
1 => "very unhappy",
2 => "unhappy",
3 => "average",
4 => "happy",
5 => "very happy"
# frequency table (alphabetical order of elements):
ft_marriage = freqtable(affairs.marriage)
println("ft_marriage: \n$ft_marriage\n")
# frequency table with groupby:
ft_groupby = combine(
groupby(affairs, :haskids),
println("ft_groupby: \n$ft_groupby\n")
# contingency tables with absolute and relative values:
ct_all_abs = freqtable(affairs.marriage, affairs.haskids)
println("ct_all_abs: \n$ct_all_abs\n")
ct_all_rel = proptable(affairs.marriage, affairs.haskids)
println("ct_all_rel: \n$ct_all_rel\n")
# share within "marriage" (i.e. within a row):
ct_row = proptable(affairs.marriage, affairs.haskids, margins=1)
println("ct_row: \n$ct_row\n")
# share within "haskids" (i.e. within a column):
ct_col = proptable(affairs.marriage, affairs.haskids, margins=2)
println("ct_col: \n$ct_col")
# define and print a dict:
var1 = ["Florian", "Daniel"]
var2 = [96, 49]
example_dict = Dict("name" => var1, "points" => var2)
println("example_dict: \n$example_dict\n")
# get data type:
type_example_dict = typeof(example_dict)
println("type_example_dict: $type_example_dict\n")
# access "points":
points_all = example_dict["points"]
println("points_all: $points_all\n")
# access "points" of Daniel:
points_daniel = example_dict["points"][2]
println("points_daniel: $points_daniel\n")
# add 4 to "points" of Daniel:
example_dict["points"][2] = example_dict["points"][2] + 4
println("example_dict: \n$example_dict\n")
# add a new component "grade":
example_dict["grade"] = [1.3, 4.0]
# delete component "points":
delete!(example_dict, "points")
print("example_dict: \n$example_dict\n")
using Distributions
# first example using the transformation:
p1_1 = cdf(Normal(), 2 / 3) - cdf(Normal(), -2 / 3)
println("p1_1 = $p1_1\n")
# first example working directly with the distribution of X:
p1_2 = cdf(Normal(4, 3), 6) - cdf(Normal(4, 3), 2)
println("p1_2 = $p1_2\n")
# second example:
p2 = 1 - cdf(Normal(4, 3), 2) + cdf(Normal(4, 3), -2)
println("p2 = $p2")
using Distributions
# manually enter raw data from Wooldridge, Table C.3:
SR87 = [10, 1, 6, 0.45, 1.25, 1.3, 1.06, 3, 8.18, 1.67,
0.98, 1, 0.45, 5.03, 8, 9, 18, 0.28, 7, 3.97]
SR88 = [3, 1, 5, 0.5, 1.54, 1.5, 0.8, 2, 0.67, 1.17, 0.51,
0.5, 0.61, 6.7, 4, 7, 19, 0.2, 5, 3.83]
# calculate change:
Change = SR88 .- SR87
# ingredients to CI formula:
avgCh = mean(Change)
println("avgCh = $avgCh\n")
n = length(Change)
sdCh = std(Change)
se = sdCh / sqrt(n)
println("se = $se\n")
c = quantile(TDist(n - 1), 0.975)
println("c = $c\n")
# confidence interval:
lowerCI = avgCh - c * se
println("lowerCI = $lowerCI\n")
upperCI = avgCh + c * se
println("upperCI = $upperCI")
using WooldridgeDatasets, DataFrames, Distributions
audit = DataFrame(wooldridge("audit"))
y = audit.y
# ingredients to CI formula:
avgy = mean(y)
n = length(y)
sdy = std(y)
se = sdy / sqrt(n)
c95 = quantile(Normal(), 0.975)
c99 = quantile(Normal(), 0.995)
# 95% confidence interval:
lowerCI95 = avgy - c95 * se
println("lowerCI95 = $lowerCI95\n")
upperCI95 = avgy + c95 * se
println("upperCI95 = $upperCI95\n")
# 99% confidence interval:
lowerCI99 = avgy - c99 * se
println("lowerCI99 = $lowerCI99\n")
upperCI99 = avgy + c99 * se
println("upperCI99 = $upperCI99")
using WooldridgeDatasets, DataFrames, Distributions, HypothesisTests
audit = DataFrame(wooldridge("audit"))
y = audit.y
# automated calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
test_auto = OneSampleTTest(y, 0)
t_auto = test_auto.t # access test statistic
p_auto = pvalue(test_auto, tail=:left) # access one-sided p value
println("t_auto = $t_auto\n")
println("p_auto = $p_auto\n")
# manual calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
avgy = mean(y)
n = length(y)
sdy = std(y)
se = sdy / sqrt(n)
t_manual = avgy / se
println("t_manual = $t_manual\n")
# critical values for t distribution with n-1=240 d.f.:
alpha_one_tailed = [0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001]
CV = quantile(TDist(n - 1), 1 .- alpha_one_tailed)
table = DataFrame(alpha_one_tailed=alpha_one_tailed, CV=CV)
println("table: \n$table")
using Distributions, HypothesisTests
# manually enter raw data from Wooldridge, Table C.3:
SR87 = [10, 1, 6, 0.45, 1.25, 1.3, 1.06, 3, 8.18, 1.67,
0.98, 1, 0.45, 5.03, 8, 9, 18, 0.28, 7, 3.97]
SR88 = [3, 1, 5, 0.5, 1.54, 1.5, 0.8, 2, 0.67, 1.17, 0.51,
0.5, 0.61, 6.7, 4, 7, 19, 0.2, 5, 3.83]
Change = SR88 .- SR87
# automated calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
test_auto = OneSampleTTest(Change, 0)
t_auto = test_auto.t
p_auto = pvalue(test_auto, tail=:left)
println("t_auto = $t_auto\n")
println("p_auto = $p_auto\n")
# manual calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
avgCh = mean(Change)
n = length(Change)
sdCh = std(Change)
se = sdCh / sqrt(n)
t_manual = avgCh / se
println("t_manual = $t_manual\n")
# manual calculation of p value for H0 (mu=0):
p_manual = cdf(TDist(n - 1), t_manual)
println("p_manual = $p_manual")
using WooldridgeDatasets, DataFrames, Distributions, HypothesisTests
audit = DataFrame(wooldridge("audit"))
y = audit.y
# automated calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
test_auto = OneSampleTTest(y, 0)
t_auto = test_auto.t
p_auto = pvalue(test_auto, tail=:left)
println("t_auto = $t_auto\n")
println("p_auto = $p_auto\n")
# manual calculation of t statistic for H0 (mu=0):
avgy = mean(y)
n = length(y)
sdy = std(y)
se = sdy / sqrt(n)
t_manual = avgy / se
println("t_manual = $t_manual\n")
# manual calculation of p value for H0 (mu=0):
p_manual = cdf(TDist(n - 1), t_manual)
println("p_manual = $p_manual")
using Plots
# create data:
x = [1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]
y = [0, 3, 6, 9, 7, 8]
# plot and save:
plot(x, y, color=:black, linestyle=:dash, legend=false)
plot(x, y, color=:black, linestyle=:dot, legend=false)
plot(x, y, color=:black, linestyle=:solid, linewidth=3, legend=false)
plot(x, y, color=:black, markershape=:circle, legend=false)
using Plots, Distributions
# support for all normal densities:
x = range(-4, 4, length=100)
# get different density evaluations:
y1 = pdf.(Normal(), x)
y2 = pdf.(Normal(1, 0.5), x)
y3 = pdf.(Normal(0, 2), x)
# plot:
plot(x, y1, linestyle=:solid, color=:black, label="standard normal")
plot!(x, y2, linestyle=:dash, color=:black,
linealpha=0.6, label="mu = 1, sigma = 0.5")
plot!(x, y3, linestyle=:dot, color=:black,
linealpha=0.3, label="mu = 0, sigma = 2")
xlims!(-3, 4)
title!("Normal Densities")
using Plots, Distributions
# support for all normal densities:
x = range(-4, 4, length=100)
# get different density evaluations:
y1 = pdf.(Normal(), x)
y2 = pdf.(Normal(0, 3), x)
# plot (a):
plot(legend=false, size=(400, 600))
plot!(x, y1, linestyle=:solid, color=:black)
plot!(x, y2, linestyle=:dash, color=:black, linealpha=0.3)
# plot (b):
plot(legend=false, size=(600, 400))
plot!(x, y1, linestyle=:solid, color=:black)
plot!(x, y2, linestyle=:dash, color=:black, linealpha=0.3)
using Plots, Distributions
# support of quadratic function
# (creates an array with 100 equispaced elements from -3 to 2):
x1 = range(start=-3, stop=2, length=100)
# function values for all these values:
y1 = x1 .^ 2
# plot quadratic function:
plot(x1, y1, linestyle=:solid, color=:black, legend=false)
# same for normal density:
x2 = range(-4, 4, length=100)
y2 = pdf.(Normal(), x2)
# plot normal density:
plot(x2, y2, linestyle=:solid, color=:black, legend=false)
using WooldridgeDatasets, Plots, DataFrames
ceosal1 = DataFrame(wooldridge("ceosal1"))
# extract roe:
roe = ceosal1.roe
# histogram with counts (a):
histogram(roe, color=:grey, legend=false)
# histogram with density and explicit breaks (b):
breaks = [0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60]
histogram(roe, color=:grey,
using DataFrames, CSV
# import a .CSV file with
df1 ="data/sales.csv", DataFrame, delim=",",
header=["year", "product1", "product2", "product3"])
println("df1: \n$df1\n")
# import a .txt file with
df2 ="data/sales.txt", DataFrame, delim=" ")
println("df2: \n$df2\n")
# add a row to df1:
push!(df1, [2014, 10, 8, 2])
println("df1: \n$df1")
# export with CSV.write:
CSV.write("data/sales2.csv", df1)
using DataFrames, Dates, MarketData
# download data for "F" (= Ford) and define start and end:
ticker = "F"
start_date = DateTime(2007, 12, 31)
end_date = DateTime(2017, 01, 01)
# import data as DataFrame:
F_data = DataFrame(yahoo(ticker,
YahooOpt(period1=start_date, period2=end_date)))
preview_F_data = first(F_data, 5)
println("preview_F_data: \n$preview_F_data")
using WooldridgeDatasets, DataFrames, Plots, KernelDensity
ceosal1 = DataFrame(wooldridge("ceosal1"))
# extract roe:
roe = ceosal1.roe
# estimate kernel density:
kde_est = KernelDensity.kde(roe)
# kernel density (a):
plot(kde_est.x, kde_est.density, color=:black, linewidth=2, legend=false)
# kernel density with overlayed histogram (b):
histogram(roe, color="grey", normalize=true, legend=false)
plot!(kde_est.x, kde_est.density, color=:black, linewidth=2)
# define a list:
example_list = [1, 5, 41.3, 2.0]
# be careful with changes on variables pointing on example_list:
duplicate_list = example_list
duplicate_list[3] = 10000
# work on a copy of example_list:
example_list = [1, 5, 41.3, 2.0]
duplicate_list = example_list[:]
# alternative: duplicate_list = deepcopy(example_list)
duplicate_list[3] = 10000
# define a vector:
example_list = [1, 5, 41.3, 2.0] # note: integers are casted to floats automatically
type_example_list = typeof(example_list)
println("type(example_list): $type_example_list\n")
# access first entry by index:
first_entry = example_list[1]
println("first_entry: $first_entry\n")
# access second to fourth entry by index:
range2to4 = example_list[2:4]
println("range2to4: $range2to4\n")
# replace third entry by new value:
example_list[3] = 3
println("example_list: $example_list\n")
# apply a function:
function_output = minimum(example_list)
println("function_output: $function_output\n")
# apply another function:
example_list = sort(example_list)
println("example_list: $example_list\n")
# delete third element of sorted list:
deleteat!(example_list, 3)
println("example_list: $example_list\n")
# define matrices:
mat1 = [4 9 8
2 6 3]
mat2 = [1 5 2
6 6 0
4 8 3]
# use exp() and apply it to each element:
result1 = exp.(mat1)
result1_rounded = round.(result1, digits=4)
println("result1_rounded: \n$result1_rounded\n")
result2 = mat1 .+ mat2[1:2, :]
println("result2: $result2\n")
# use another function:
mat1_tr = transpose(mat1) #or simply: mat1'
println("mat1_tr: $mat1_tr\n")
# matrix algebra:
matprod = mat1 * mat2
println("matprod: $matprod")
using Plots, Distributions, Random, KernelDensity
## LLN (normal) ##
# set the random seed:
# set sample sizes and MC simulations:
n = [10, 50, 100, 1000]
r = 10000
# support of normal density (fixed):
x_range = range(8.5, 11.5, length=100)
for i in n
ybar = zeros(r)
for j in 1:r
# sample of size n
sample = rand(Normal(10, 2), i)
ybar[j] = mean(sample)
# simulated density:
kde = KernelDensity.kde(ybar)
# normal density:
y = pdf.(Normal(10, 2 / sqrt(i)), x_range)
# plotting:
filename = "JlGraphs/MCSim-lln-n" * string(i) * ".pdf"
plot(kde.x, kde.density, color=:black, label="ybar")
plot!(x_range, y, linestyle=:dash, color=:black, label="normal distribution")
xlims!((8.5, 11.5))
ylims!((0, 6.5))
## CLT (chisq) ##
# density:
x_range = range(0, 3, length=100)
y = pdf.(Chisq(1), x_range)
plot(x_range, y, linestyle=:solid, color=:black, legend=false)
# set the random seed:
# set sample sizes and MC simulations:
n = [2, 10, 100, 10000]
r = 10000
for i in n
ybar = zeros(r)
for j in 1:r
# sample of size n
sample = rand(Chisq(1), i)
ybar[j] = mean(sample)
# simulated density:
kde = KernelDensity.kde(ybar)
# normal density:
x_range = range(minimum(ybar), maximum(ybar), length=50)
y = pdf.(Normal(1, sqrt(2 / i)), x_range)
# plotting:
filename = "JlGraphs/MCSim-clt-n" * string(i) * ".pdf"
plot(kde.x, kde.density, color=:black, label="ybar")
plot!(x_range, y, linestyle=:dash, color=:black, label="normal distribution")
result1 = 1 + 1
# determine the type:
type_result1 = typeof(result1)
# print the result:
println("type_result1: $type_result1\n")
result2 = 2.5
type_result2 = typeof(result2)
println("type_result2: $type_result2\n")
result3 = "To be, or not to be: that is the question"
type_result3 = typeof(result3)
println("type_result3: $type_result3")
using Distributions, DataFrames, Plots
# PMF for all values between 0 and 10:
x = 0:10
fx = pdf.(Binomial(10, 0.2), x)
# collect values in DataFrame:
result = DataFrame(x=x, fx=fx)
println("result: \n$result")
# plot:
bar(x, fx, color=:grey, alpha=0.6, legend=false)
using PyCall
# using pyimport to work with modules:
np = pyimport("numpy")
# define matrices in Julia:
mat1 = [4 9 8
2 6 3]
mat2 = [1 5 2
6 6 0
4 8 3]
# ... and pass them to numpys dot function:
matprod =, mat2)
println("matprod: $matprod\n")
matprod_type = typeof(matprod)
println("matprod_type: $matprod_type")
using PyCall
# define a block of Python Code:
import numpy as np
# define arrays in numpy:
mat1 = np.array([[4, 9, 8],
[2, 6, 3]])
mat2 = np.array([[1, 5, 2],
[6, 6, 0],
[4, 8, 3]])
# matrix algebra:
matprod_py = mat1 @ mat2
# automatic type conversion from Python to Julia:
matprod = py"matprod_py"
matprod_type = typeof(matprod)
println("matprod_type: $matprod_type\n")
println("matprod: $matprod")
using Distributions, Random
# sample from a standard normal RV with sample size n=3:
sample1 = rand(Normal(), 3)
println("sample1: $sample1\n")
# a different sample from the same distribution:
sample2 = rand(Normal(), 3)
println("sample2: $sample2\n")
# set the seed of the random number generator and take two samples:
sample3 = rand(Normal(), 3)
println("sample3: $sample3\n")
sample4 = rand(Normal(), 3)
println("sample4: $sample4\n")
# reset the seed to the same value to get the same samples again:
sample5 = rand(Normal(), 3)
println("sample5: $sample5\n")
sample6 = rand(Normal(), 3)
println("sample6: $sample6")
using Distributions, Random
# set the random seed:
# set sample size:
n = 100
# draw a sample given the population parameters:
sample1 = rand(Normal(10, 2), n)
# estimate the population mean with the sample average:
estimate1 = mean(sample1)
println("estimate1 = $estimate1\n")
# draw a different sample and estimate again:
sample2 = rand(Normal(10, 2), n)
estimate2 = mean(sample2)
println("estimate2 = $estimate2\n")
# draw a third sample and estimate again:
sample3 = rand(Normal(10, 2), n)
estimate3 = mean(sample3)
print("estimate3: $estimate3")
using Distributions, HypothesisTests, Plots, Random
# set the random seed:
# set sample size and MC simulations:
r = 10000
n = 100
# initialize arrays to later store results:
CIlower = zeros(r)
CIupper = zeros(r)
pvalue1 = zeros(r)
pvalue2 = zeros(r)
# repeat r times:
for j in 1:r
# draw a sample
sample = rand(Normal(10, 2), n)
sample_mean = mean(sample)
sample_sd = std(sample)
# test the (correct) null hypothesis mu=10:
testres1 = OneSampleTTest(sample, 10)
pvalue1[j] = pvalue(testres1)
cv = quantile(TDist(n - 1), 0.975)
CIlower[j] = sample_mean - cv * sample_sd / sqrt(n)
CIupper[j] = sample_mean + cv * sample_sd / sqrt(n)
# test the (incorrect) null hypothesis mu=9.5 & store the p value:
testres2 = OneSampleTTest(sample, 9.5)
pvalue2[j] = pvalue(testres2)
## correct H0 ##
plot(legend=false, size=(300, 500)) # initialize plot and set figure ratio
ylims!((0, 101))
xlims!((9, 11))
vline!([10], linestyle=:dash, color=:black, linewidth=0.5)
ylabel!("Sample No.")
for j in 1:100
if 10 > CIlower[j] && 10 < CIupper[j]
plot!([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle=:solid, color=:grey)
plot!([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle=:solid, color=:black)
## incorrect H0 ##
plot(legend=false, size=(300, 500)) # initialize plot and set figure ratio
ylims!((0, 101))
xlims!((9, 11))
vline!([9.5], linestyle=:dash, color=:black, linewidth=0.5)
ylabel!("Sample No.")
for j in 1:100
if 9.5 > CIlower[j] && 9.5 < CIupper[j]
plot!([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle=:solid, color=:grey)
plot!([CIlower[j], CIupper[j]], [j, j], linestyle=:solid, color=:black)
using Distributions, Random, HypothesisTests
# set the random seed:
# set sample size and MC simulations:
r = 10000
n = 100
# initialize arrays to later store results:
CIlower = zeros(r)
CIupper = zeros(r)
pvalue1 = zeros(r)
pvalue2 = zeros(r)
# repeat r times:
for j in 1:r
# draw a sample
sample = rand(Normal(10, 2), n)
sample_mean = mean(sample)
sample_sd = std(sample)
# test the (correct) null hypothesis mu=10:
testres1 = OneSampleTTest(sample, 10)
pvalue1[j] = pvalue(testres1)
cv = quantile(TDist(n - 1), 0.975)
CIlower[j] = sample_mean - cv * sample_sd / sqrt(n)
CIupper[j] = sample_mean + cv * sample_sd / sqrt(n)
# test the (incorrect) null hypothesis mu=9.5 & store the p value:
testres2 = OneSampleTTest(sample, 9.5)
pvalue2[j] = pvalue(testres2)
# test results as logical value:
reject1 = pvalue1 .<= 0.05
count1_true = count(reject1) # counts true
count1_false = r - count1_true
println("count1_true: $count1_true\n")
println("count1_false: $count1_false\n")
reject2 = pvalue2 .<= 0.05
count2_true = count(reject2)
count2_false = r - count2_true
println("count2_true: $count2_true\n")
println("count2_false: $count2_false")
using Distributions, Random, KernelDensity, Plots
# set the random seed:
# set sample size:
n = 100
# initialize ybar to an array of length r=10000 to later store results:
r = 10000
ybar = zeros(r)
# repeat r times:
for j in 1:r
# draw a sample and store the sample mean in pos. j=1,... of ybar:
sample = rand(Normal(10, 2), n)
ybar[j] = mean(sample)
# the first 8 of 10000 estimates:
ybar_preview = round.(ybar[1:8], digits=4)
println("ybar_preview: \n$ybar_preview\n")
# simulated mean:
mean_ybar = mean(ybar)
println("mean_ybar = $mean_ybar\n")
# simulated variance:
var_ybar = var(ybar)
println("var_ybar = $var_ybar")
# simulated density:
kde = KernelDensity.kde(ybar)
# normal density:
x_range = range(9, 11, length=100)
y = pdf.(Normal(10, sqrt(0.04)), x_range)
# create graph:
plot(kde.x, kde.density, color=:black, label="ybar", linewidth=2)
plot!(x_range, y, linestyle=:dash, color=:black,
label="normal distribution", linewidth=2)
using Distributions, Random
# set the random seed:
# set sample size:
n = 100
# initialize ybar to an array of length r=10000 to later store results:
r = 10000
ybar = zeros(r)
# repeat r times:
for j in 1:r
# draw a sample and store the sample mean in pos. j=1,... of ybar:
sample = rand(Normal(10, 2), n)
ybar[j] = mean(sample)