Working with Jupyter Notebook

The following example is based on Script Descr-Figures from Chapter 1 and demonstrates the use of Jupyter Notebooks to document your work step by step. We will describe the two most important building blocks:

  • basic Markdown commands to format your text in Markdown cells
  • how to import and run Julia code in Code cells

Import and Prepare Data

Let’s start by loading all packages:

using WooldridgeDatasets, Statistics, DataFrames, FreqTables, Plots

In the next step, we import our data and define important variables:

affairs = DataFrame(wooldridge("affairs"))
counts = freqtable(
labels = ["no", "yes"]

[171, 430]

Analyse Data

View your Data

To get an overview you could use first(affairs, 5).

Calculate Descriptive Statistics

Now we are interested in printing out the average age. We start with its definition and use LaTeX to enter the equation: \[ \bar{x} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N x_{i} \] The resulting Julia code gives:

age_mean = mean(affairs.age)

Produce Graphic Results

In Chapter 1, we saw how to produce a pie chart. Let’s repeat it here:

pie(labels, counts)

You can also show Julia code without executing it. You can use inline code, or for longer paragraphs

bar(labels, counts)